Thursday, October 4, 2007

king of the ad jungle


Can't recollect since when, i think must have been four years old when i developed an unknown interest in moving pictures. nah... don't start seing me as some prodigy who had the vision of making it big in i know them as advertisements but then i didn't ,all i could refer them as was pictures that just moved with the wink of an eye and something else would appear .Frames with different people doing funny things on T.V made me chuckle at times and wonder how it happened most of the times.My fascination for ads started multiplying so much that i remembered who acted in which television commercial also known as TVC.
More than my trigonometry and algebra,i paid (needless) attention to animated ads, poppins ad, complan ad,bulb,tubelight,shoes, tea only to fall for the king of them all "Cadburys Dairymilk" ad.
I was awestuck and besotted by that ad.The tune which then i didn't know had a term called jingle was so sweet that i rhymed it quite oft.I think somehow the time i took to memorize my poems were more than what i took to humm the jingles.Years after that Dairymilk cricket stadium ad , i got to read about my guru the maker of that myriad ad Piyush Pandey.
Such a simple man and what impact. I was bamboozled .Many ads followed under his rule since then and others and i am happily enjoying the "oh so energizing exercise ..."

Saturday, September 29, 2007


i don't know how and what made me come up with a name like "Nunu''.My Ma and i are the thinkers behind this four lettered word which only took not more than four minutes to's indeed the only one of it's kind. I can still remember the glowing stare of my Ma,whenever i used to as her to make this not- at all sought after dish...
Probably mum used to think it's better to cook nunu than to cook something as unhealthy as maggi.At least it was healthy and easy to prepare and would keep her not so healthy daughter kind off healthy.
The pre- requisites for preparing this ultra divine dish were just three...two round chappatis( though the shape has nothin to do with the taste still i love sounding cliche' at times so if it's chappati it has to be round) , two table spoons of sugar, and little bit of sturring and rotating the pan is what we used to do...and walllllaaaaaaaaaah nunu used to be all in and around my mouth...and wat followed after that session was even sweeter and even better.Mum used to be satisfied looking at my hmm...i am 'so full expression '...

But we did make it a point that the mum daughter duo's running after one another activity kept on continuing after those cute sessions also.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

tot thoughts

i know the gap after which i am writing is kind of too much,but don't really have a reason to back up. Had too many thoughts turning and tossing in my brain but somehow the blogger in me was resting.At last got the much needed kick . I studied in Mount. Carmel School , needless to mention though how much i love and adore my school but still i will . It's strange when i was a not so tiny a "tot" the same walls and classrooms on some days appeared like a rather cozy cave...felt like a restless poor girl who wanted to go out take a good few minutes break to enjoy the swing and all, rather than sit and let the teacher peep inside my laidback expression . All those while i used to wonder am i not quite good with my facial expression or do i need to improve a bit...may be the latter. Which is why my terrific Maths teacher "Ms Bandhopadhyay'' whose mere oversized glass used to scan me inside out clearly leaving me petrified , and therefore terror personified.
Somehow she just made me jitter,and while i am penning these descriptive lines about her i can clearly visualise her blurting her oh so famous line " what is so difficult in this subject,it's perhaps the most easy of them all.All you need to do is practice that's it."Almost these were her closing and opening lines everyday depending on our non welcoming nature not towards her but her subject .Her crisp cotton sarees used to add to the silent , swift .sweat effect.
I could never figure out why and how mere five lettered word 'digit' could affect my life in such a gigantic way.I used to revive myself by sating and thinking that doesn't matter wat she says about my not non mathematical approach still i would try at winning over those digits and atleast make some of them my best confidante.I know someone feeling somthing like this is quite unpopular and unheard off but that's me and my digit disco that still leaves me feeling not so sweaty but sweet ...

Monday, September 3, 2007

khich pich

My own blog...after so much of pondering it's out on the platter, have created it. Was churning the creative juices to dish out an apt title for my blog...least knowing that the name was in subconscious level only waiting to transcend to the conscious one.
Words i don't know why cast a spell on me,eversince i was a tot. I started to understand the intricacies of it all and the entire process amazed me off and on. Whatever age one might be in words are ageless...remain the same just waiting to be used and written. No matter how inexplecapable the situation is words are always used as a catalyst...i am sure that my bucket would never face drought and would only spill something captivating...